Friday, 8 February 2019

New LA Tokens

Get up to $1,000 in LA Tokens Free!!!

I was rewarded with plenty of free tokens for signing up and helping to build the largest trading community ever.

It’s totally free and all you need to get started is a valid email.

You can get your tokens too here:

Saturday, 2 February 2019

Heard About Auto Faucets

You may ask what are AutoFaucets?

Auto-Faucets are Faucets in which we can earn Cryptocurrencies without much effort. As in the Faucets, these pages collect coins automatically for you at regular intervals without much work on your part. 

This concept works if you have a micro wallet attached at Faucethub. These Auto-Faucets are associated with FaucetHub, which is one of the best sites to win Cryptocurrencies, if you still do not know what FaucetHub is, visit the following link by clicking here:

To get the automatic cryptocurrencies added to your account just enter the address of your wallet associated with FaucetHub and solve a one-time Captcha.

The Auto-Faucets pay much less per claim than the conventional Faucets, because you do not need to spend any time on it as it is on auto pilot. The goal of these Faucets is to raise the level in FaucetHub to obtain benefits, so a win-win situation for both the faucet owner as well as the user.

The auto faucets I use are:

These auto-faucets have paid me regularly and credited my wallet 

If you have any questions or concerns send me a message, I will try and help to guide you to be successful.

Friday, 1 February 2019

Want free Litecoin

I like the opportunity to earn Free Litecoins. Yes you read it for real it is free.
So here are a few sites that help you to add a few coins daily.

You know the saying " Every drop of water, little grain of sand
                                      Make the mighty ocean and the pleasant land"

So every day clicking and using faucets help to build up your balance.

Here are a 3 sites to help you get there:



10,000 GeldCoin coins (worth $5,000) for you today

Today is your lucky day,
but hurry, as long as this offer lasts.

No Kidding, all you need is to
Sign up and get F.R.E.E. 10,000 GeldCoin coins
(worth $5,000.00) PLUS F.R.E.E 0.003 ETH
in your GELDC wallet:

Here is your link to use:

Good luck and much success with your money.